1.Introduction the discipline of orthopaedics andtraumatology of Chinese
The discipline was founded in 1965, through the efforts of several generations,formed with Chinese characteristics of South of the Five Ridges traditional Chinese orthopedics school. In 1996, the subject point was authorized by the doctoral degree, in 1999 began to accept the postdoctoral staff;in 1997 was identified as a key discipline jointly sponsor by the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine and the Guangdong provincial government, identified as the national traditional Chinese medicine hip joint disease medical center, combined with Guangdong province key specialist for traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of spinal degenerative disease, and as the Guangdong osteoporosis Medical Center. In 2000 traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of spinal degenerative disease has become the key specialist of the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine.In 2000 the discipline was assessed as the provincial key disciplines by the Guangdong Provincial Department of higher education; in 2001 it was identified as National Center for traditional Chinese medicine hip joint disease by the State Administration of traditional Chinese medicine again;in 2002 was identified as the national key disciplines by the Ministry of Education; in 2003 excellent through the "211 project" key discipline inspection.In the same year,Bone Tumors, Bone and joint disease, traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of spinal degenerative disease became the Guangdong provincial key specialistand thetraditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of cervical syndromebecameprovincial key special disease. In January 2005itwas confirmedasosteoporosis specialty medical center of Guangdong Provinceby the Guangdong Provincial Bureau of traditional Chinese medicine again andtheOrthopedic hospital affiliated to Guangzhou University of traditional Chinese medicinewasidentified as drug clinical trial Agency(GCPcenter)in the sameyear.In December 2006National key Specialistof traditional Chinese medicine hip joint diseaseandtraditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of spinal degenerative diseaseexcellent through the State administration of traditional Chinese medicine inspection. That same year orthopaedics and traumatology of Chinese Medicinewasassessed asGuangdong provincial excellent courses. Thesubject pointbecameChina health promotion Foundation bone disease prevention and control basein 2005.

2.Introduction to the discipline leader
Traditional Chinese orthopedic and Traumatology leaderWei He, MD, chief physician, Professor, Ph, the Guangdong Province traditional Chinese medicine, issued by the State Council special allowance, current Vice President of the first affiliated hospital of Guangzhou University of traditional Chinese medicine.In 2001 he won theSecond Award of the Scientific and TechnologicalProgress of the State,theSecond Award of China traditional Chinese medicine science and technology progressin 2005, and in2008 was named the University of Guangdong province "Qianbaishi project" advanced individual.For 30 yearshehas been committed to the necrosis of the femoral head hip disease research,hosted sixNational, provincial and ministerial level subject. And he was theeditor, main translation, deputy editor of five textbookand monograph, haspublished more than 100 papersand has cultivated 10postgraduate, 15PhD students, 2postdoctor.
3.Research direction
Led by the leader, after years of construction of the subject, this subject has formed three stable,distinct anddominantresearchdirection.Theresearch projectsofOsteonecrosis of the FemeralHead(ONFH) andOsteoporosis are advanced in China, and have approachedinternationally advanced status. After years of researchof treatment ofONFH,aseries of new theories, new ideas andnew methodsabout diagnosis, hip preserving treatment(retention treatment of the patient's own hip) have been introduced, for instance, thenew conceptaboutdiagnostic criteriaofONFHduring Peri-Collapse Period, the pathological changes of femoral head in the peri collapse periodanda series of new hip preserving treatmentaboutmicrotraumatic debridement,pressure support bone graftingandsurgical dislocationforthe ONFH.In order to achievethegoalof pain relief,improvingjoint function,slowingdown the osteoarthritis processevendelay or avoid the artificial joint replacement, somelate osteonecrosiswill be treatedselectivelywith traditionalChinese medicine conservative treatmentorhip preserving treatmentandcooperatedwithChinesemedicine andrehabilitationpostoperativly. Otherwise, thesubject pointcarry out drug research workactively,and developed a number ofclinically proven, effective specialist treatment of necrosis of the femoral head preparationsuch asYuan's osteogenesis of Shengmai Tablet(Guangdong medicine word:Z0302081) andCompound Sheng Mai Cheng bone capsule(Guangdong medicine word:Z20071224).Owing tothe efficacy and safety of treatment of femoral head necrosisandconfirmationofrandom double blind, positive control, phase II, phase III, multicenter clinical study, theTongluo shenggu capsule,completed by cooperationwithZhejiang Hisun pharmaceutical Limited by Share Ltd,was granted National Certificate of new drugin 2004 andhas been put on the market for the benefit of the patient.In terms of basic research, the subject point,mainlyfocusedon the genomics, proteomics, cellular biology, micro-imaging,bio-mechanics and finite element analysisoffemoral head necrosis, has won a number of national project fundingand studiedthe etiology, pathogenesis, early diagnosis, hip preserving surgeryofduring Peri-Collapse Period and traditional Chinese medicine treatmentin depth.
In terms of osteoporosis research, the subject pointmainlyfocusedonOsteoporosis aloneandOsteoporotic fracture, proposed“Kidney deficiency and blood stasis and spleen deficiency”, thePathogenesis of traditional Chinese MedicineofOsteoporosis, and createdChinese medicine “GuKang"independentlyunder the guidance of this theory.“GuKang”,mainlybe applied totheprevention and treatment of secondary osteoporosis,idiopathic osteoporosis,osteoporotic fracture,conqueredweaknessof theWestern medicineincluding expensive price,large side effects,poor compliance,insufficienttherapeutic effectwith the help of its low priceand convenience. Due to itsgreat potential and advantages on the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis,as well as broad prospects for development and application,the drug has been transferred the patent. Otherwise, the subject point has put forward a series of new ideasfor theosteoporotic fractureincluding“Treatment experience and new classification criteria of non union of osteoporotic vertebral fracture”,” Fracture line theory of vertebral fracture”and“The theory of triangle fixation for proximal femoral fractures”. It alsobegin to explore the mechanical optimization intervention measures for osteoporotic vertebral fractures and proximal femoral fracturesthroughthecomputer simulation, in vivo and in vitro biomechanical analysis, whichhasanimportant significanceinimproving clinical efficacy.
In other research areas, the subject point has put forward“kidney deficiency and blood stasis”,theetiology and pathogenesisof degenerative disease of bone and joint,as well as the treatment of Bushen Huoxue and Yiqi Tongluo. It alsodevelopeda series ofChinese patent medicineincludingRenal bone safety, Gu yan ding,Long Bie capsuleandJoint Kang, and studied theirmechanism of actionbymolecular biology.
4.Team construction
Thediscipline distributing in the 2 clinical medical college and 1 orthopedics hospital, has 3 provincial medical centers, 3 specialized laboratories, 10 laboratories, 14 department of orthopedics,and467standardbeds.Itsyear door, emergency volume amount to490 thousand passengers, the number of hospital admissions of more than 10 thousandpeople.It equippedwith complete,advanced equipment whichworth 120 million yuan,andrankedthefirstof the same disciplinein the country.
The subject point,national level continuing education training base approved by the State Administration of traditional Chinese Medicine, willhold regular national continuing education programs.At the same time, this subject has a long-term cooperative relationship with Southeast Asian University of TCM. It has become an important training base for students in Southeast Asia. The scale and quality of its teaching rank among the forefront of similar subjects in the country.
This subject having32 professors (23.4%), 28 associate professors (20.4%), 64 lecturers (46.7%), 13 assistant professor (9.5%), has been formed preliminaryresearch and teaching teamthatwell balanced in terms of combing of old, middle-aged and young teachers.Including 18 doctoral supervisors and 63 master supervisors; Chinese orthopedics doctor 4 people, Guangdong Province Traditional Chinese medicine7 people, the third and fourth batch, the fifth batch of TCM expert academic inheritance 22 people; Guangdong province "Qianbaishi project" provincial training object 1 people, school "thousand ten project" 8 people; Guangdong outstanding young teachers of higher education training target of 1 people, the young talents training target of 1 people; Guangdong outstanding teacher 3 people; newSouthexcellent teachers 3 people; "the revitalization of Chinese medicine painan fund" outstanding teacher 1 people; the New South outstanding party and government management workers 1 people; advanced individual of national health system 2 people; Xinglin professor 2.
From 2011 to date, the subject point has 26 national projects, 110 provincial projects,56municipal project ; 42paperspublished by the SCI,29invention patents ,10EI papers .